Thursday, February 25, 2010


Today is payday and I finally! (uhuh with an exclamation mark right there) I bought the bag that I’ve been eying for over two months. Before you guys get carried away, this bag is actually more of a purse with a sling. Its really cute and its green! The reason why it took me a while to buy is, I was deliberating whether I need it or not. I can’t even fit my reading glasses over there. I kept putting it off, reciting my mantra: “If it'll still be there the next time I come back with money and if it's still there, then we are fated. If not, then I’m not meant to have it“.  For me shopping is falling (cheesy?) in love an in this case I fall in love easily. Yeah I know, it’s not good and it seems shallow. But I perfectly understand Rebecca Bloomwood. Shopping is a therapy, it cures the saddest of the sad, the loneliest of  the lonely.  People of all ages enjoy it. And for me if I don’t fall in love to the point of being delirious, then I don’t think that thing is worth spending all your dough, well at least not yet. Well the bag that I just bought is ready for its debut tomorrow. I’m so excited! This is one thing I love about having a job; I get to buy my self a treat. I hope someday, I can take everyone shopping to show them with what I meant about falling in love

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